Corporate Social Responsibility

We support our globe.


The EBARA Group is committed to contributing to society through cutting-edge products and services and responsible corporate citizenship.

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We support

We have decided to redirect our resources towards making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. We are proud to support with our donations different institutions dedicated to aiding persons with disabilities, homeless shelters or isolated elder persons, children’s hospitals and also fire fighters across Europe, UK and Israel. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all our employees who volunteer their time and effort to help those in need. We hope to create a ripple effect of kindness, compassion, and support.

Social Projects We Have Supported


A children’s hospice in Munich, which fulfills the last wishes of terminally ill children.

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Kinderklinik KonzerteGermany

Kinderklinikkonzerte e.V. has been able to give thousands of children, their parents and siblings very special concerts during their daily hospital routine to support the healing process.

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THW Helfervereinigung DresdenGermany

THW Technisches Hilfswerk is engaged in disaster and civil protection.

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Helps and supports families with children suffering from cancer to cope with the ongoing stressful situations.

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Blaues KreuzGermany

Helps people who are struggling with alcoholol or other addictive substances

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Social BiteUK

For the care and support of the homeless.

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Petit Frères des PauvresFrance

Petit Frères des Pauvres have been working alongside older people suffering from isolation, particularly the most disadvantaged.

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Little HeroesIsrael

Organise break out trips in the countryside for disadvantaged, mentally disabled children.

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Fore expert mental health counseling and support (digital and face-to-face) for young people aged 12-25 across Ireland.

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Deutscher KinderschutzbundGermany

Stands up for the rights of all children for a child-friendly society.

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The Israeli society for children and adults with autism.

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“This initiative serves as a reminder of the values we hold dear as a company—compassion, empathy, and the commitment to give back to society.“

Jörg Bruckamp

Our Social Responsibility

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